Saturday, June 20, 2009

IEC Prop'sbuying day

what a tired day!my taemmates and I has to buy our prop's merchandise for the group drama presentation for the closure of IEC program at friday(26 June 2009)....

At first,I was at my house near the hostel...well,I didn't want to say my house is near but I could make a 45 minutes to go to the hostel so early of the day I was at home when they call me to buy the prop's merchandise...when I arrive at my hostel we were going to the girl's hostel to take along the director's and her assistants to the city of Kuantanto buy the thing...

We were going to the Mydin at first,but suddenly there were nothing to buy there so we were going to the nearest bookstore which I forgot its name....then we crossed the road to go Men Men's bookjstore to buy the needed thing which comes my bad days as my cars had been 'sued' by the MPK for not scratching the parking coupon hahaha....

As we must against the time to buy thing's needed,I took them to Megamall which inside it there are bookstore MBS and Popular....then we found more of our teammates there that makes the event merrier. but,its not done yet as some of them says that we needs the attachment for the prop's that Need us to go back to Mydin!...

We rushed back to the Mydin and sure we have wasting our time as the day is almost finish and its starting to dark...I called my family that night I wasn't going home as I stay night at hostel...


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